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The Flinders papersletters and documents about the explorer Matthew Flinders (1774-1814)
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About the transcriptions and text encoding

The transcriptions
About the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
Editorial conventions

The transcriptions were made from the original documents using the following method:

  • Word for word
  • Line for line
  • Mistake for mistake
  • Correction for correction

Where possible, the author’s original symbols and markings have been copied in the transcriptions. Underlined text in the documents therefore represents [authorial] underlining in the original document and not a hypertext link.

Where authorial marks could not be exactly represented (e.g. double or triple underlining or strikethrough), the closest alternative has been used.

[sic] the author's spelling
[illegible] the handwriting is too poor to decipher
{    } the transcriber's best guess at the word or phrase
ƒ long s as per the author's use

About the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)


The transcripts on this website have been marked up in XML using tags defined by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The TEI is an international, interdisciplinary standard for representing literary and linguistic texts for online research. It allows detailed information and description about any aspect of the original document to be embedded within the XML document, thus greatly enhancing its potential for research and its repurposability.

The version used on this website is TEI "Lite" which contains the basic elements of the encoding initiative. Among others we have used the following mark-up tags, each of which have a range of attributes:

  • <text>: describes global characteristics of the text such as language (<text lang="English">)
  • <sic>: author's spelling
  • <gap>: gap in text or in transcription e.g. illegible text (<gap reason="illegible">)
  • <unclear>: transcriber's best guess at a word
  • <del>: authorial strikethrough
  • <add>: authorial insertion
  • <hi>: for superscripts, underlines etc (<hi rend="superscript">)
  • <rs>: reference strings e.g. people, places, vessels, glossaries (<rs type="person">)
  • <address>: for describing addresses (e.g. receiver's address, sender’s address)

Editorial conventions

We have used single inverted commas rather than italics for ship names in the glossaries and site text.