1. Austin, K. A.
The Voyage of the Investigator 1801-1803 Commander Matthew Flinders,
Rigby Limited, Adelaide, 1964
2. Austin, K. A.
Matthew Flinders: on the Victorian coast, April-May 1802: select
Cypress Books, Melbourne, 1974
3. Baker, Sidney J.
My Own Destroyer: a biography of Matthew Flinders, explorer
and navigator
Currawong Publishing Company, Sydney, 1962
4. Bauer, Ferdinand
An Exquisite Eye, the Australian flora and fauna drawings 1801-1820
of Ferdinand Bauer
Historic Houses Trust of NSW, Sydney, 1997.
5. Bowden, K. M.
George Bass, 1771-1803, Surgeon and Sailor
reprinted from the Bulletin of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine,
University of Sydney, Vol 17, No. 2, May, 1961
6. Bowden, K. M.
George Bass 1771-1803: His Discoveries, Romantic Life and Tragic
Oxford University Press, London, 1952
7. Colwell, Max
The Voyages of Matthew Flinders
Hamlyn, London, 1970
8. Dunmore, John
Who's Who in Pacific Navigation
University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1991
9. Findlay, Elisabeth
Arcadian Quest: William Westall's Australian Sketches
National Library of Australia, Canberra, 1998
10. Flinders, Matthew
A Voyage to Terra Australis; undertaken for the purpose of completing
the discovery of that vast country... in two volumes with an atlas
G and W Nicol, London, 1814
11. Ingleton, G. C.
Charting a Continent
Sydney, 1944
12. Ingleton, G. C.
Matthew Flinders: navigator and chartmaker
Genesis Publications in association with Hedley Australia, 1986
13. Mack, James D.
Matthew Flinders and The British Admiralty Orders to H.M.S.
reprinted from the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Australian
Historical Society
14. Mack, James D.
Matthew Flinders 1774-1814
Nelson, Melbourne, 1966
15. Norst, Marlene J.
Ferdinand Bauer, the Australian natural history drawings
Lothian, Melbourne, 1989
16. Rawson, G.
Matthew Flinders' Narrative of his Voyage in the Schooner Francis
Golden Cockerel Press, London, 1946
17. Retter, Catherine (with Shirley Sinclair)
Letters to Ann: the love story of Matthew Flinders and Ann Chappelle
Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1999
18. Scott, Ernest
The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders, RN
Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1914
19. Westall, William
Drawings by William Westall, landscape artist on board HMS Investigator...
Royal Commonwealth Society, London, 1962.