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The Flinders papersletters and documents about the explorer Matthew Flinders (1774-1814)
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Letter from Matthew Flinders to Ann Chappelle (3 of 41) (FLI25) Page 1

Mr Arton
Barton Lincolnshire
For Miƒs Chappelle

                  16 King St Soho Nov. 29. 1800

Thy letter came to me yesterday most seasonably. I was earnest-
-ly employed in answering a letter from my father, and such a letter
my Annette, as I never before received from him. Thou art in some
measure concerned interested in a part of it, and as all concealments
ought to be now done away between, and are and shall be on my
part, I will inform thee, that it has been a source of uneasineƒs
to me, that my sister Susan was sent from home so far, and put to
a busineƒs which my fathers circumstances, I thought, did not require,
and which subjected her to ^ such snares as I shudder to think what would
be the consequence had she fallen into them. In a letter to my father,
speaking of her present situation, I said amongst other things "If
"she is to be a milleners [sic] journeywoman, she cannot be with a
"kinder, plainer, better family." This my father has taken ex-
-ceedingly ill — as reproaching him; and gives a long vindication
from the "harsh constructions which I find with sorrow that the elder
"branches of my family put upon my conduct." He explains the dif-
-ficulties and labours that he has undergone " from the ardent hope
"of sometime arriving at independence." He tells me that the a-
-mount of his property is £4000, the income of which is very inade-
-quate to the supporting his family as ladies and gentlemen without
the exertions of those for themselves who are capable of it. "It cannot
"be any terrible task for a grown person, in youth, health, and strength
"to obtain their own support." "I well know it is a much harder
"one for a weak, infirm father in the decline of life, to continue la-
"-bouring for the whole to the last hour of his earthly race. I beg
"you all to remember that your exertions are all for your own selves;
"the exertions of most young people are for their parents or masters
"until the age of 21, but that has not been the case with my family
"— their efforts have been wholly applied to their own benefit, and

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Related people
Chappelle (Flinders), Ann
Flinders family
Flinders, Matthew
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