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Copy of letters from Matthew Flinders to Christopher Smith and Captain Malcolm (FLI08a) Page 1

[located upside down in the front of the part journal of HMS Providence

To C. Smith Esq. Botanist Calcutta
H.M.S. Reliance
May 1799

My dear Friend
Before you receive this, you will most probably
have heard from me, by a letter I wrote by Mr Ferguƒson of the Re-
-becca, nearly of the same date: In that I mentioned Mr Baƒs
Surgeon of H.M.S. Reliance, as being with me in the circumna-
-vigation of Van Diemens land:- that Gentleman I now beg leave to in-
-troduce to your acquaintance, as the most intimate friend of
your old meƒsmate ^ has had since he parted with you. It will be unneceƒsary
to give you any detail of his superior abilities and acquirements,
men of much leƒs penetration than ^ my friend Smith must soon be sensible of them. I will
therefore only say, that Mr Baƒs is a Gentleman for whom I en-
-tertain the greatest respect and esteem; and whatever attentions you
may pay ^ to him and ^ the aƒsistance you may give can afford him in his pursuits, by intro-
-ductions to mercantile and other Gentlemen ^ or otherwise, I shall always
esteem consider them as being doubly paid to my self.
Having so very lately wrote you a long letter, I have nothing
more to say, than that I hope to hear from you at the Cape; and
that an attention to my friend Baƒs will be ^ to me the most grateful proof of your
friendship. for from me Believe me, my dear Smith, to be with esteem and
affection your very sincere friend     Mattw Flinders


To Capt. P. Malcolm H.M.S. Suffolk               Port Jackson Jany 17th 1800

Dear Sir
I have taken the liberty of writing a short letter to you in
the month of April last, directed to the Fox; probably it may not
have reached you. The intention of it was merely to remind you
of a former acquaintance, who having a great respect for you
would be sorry to be forgotten. Therein I mentioned some discove-
-ries made by me upon this coast, particularly the seperation of
Van Diemens Land from New Holland, by a strait of about 90
miles in width; and I am we are now given to understand, that it is in
the contemplation of Government to send out one or two veƒsels
to carry on the examination of this still immense island, the
command of which, report has given to me, although the material
discoveries already made must be unknown to them. The Reliance

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