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The Flinders papersletters and documents about the explorer Matthew Flinders (1774-1814)
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Letter from Isabella Tyler to Matthew Flinders (FLI01) Page 1

Address: Captain Flinders

                    Beverley July 4th 1810

      I will not aƒsent it as a fact my dear Matthew,
but certainly I have a strong persuasion in my mind
that you have forgotten that your demi-sister Bell
is in existence. Is it something in the air of that vile
Isle of France, which has the effect of the waters of {lethargy}
on you? But I believe I can account for your inatten=
=tion in another, and more probable way; I think it
is almost invariably the case, when we unfortunate
Damsels begin to grow rather antiquated, and to "[illegible]
virgin thorn of single bleƒsedneƒs" that you young
Blades begin to neglect us, it is very cruel, tho' very
natural, & therefore I must forgive you, but I am
determined not to do it, until I have told you that I
think you very idle, and good-for-nothing. ——
To tell you the news of the Country would be useleƒs,
as Ann is scribbling to you from morning to night,
you will before you read my letter, be acquainted with
our removal to Beverley in Yorkshire, & all the
rest of it, my Mother, Ann & I live together in a dear

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Related people
Flinders, Matthew
Tyler, Isabella (Belle/Bell)
Chappelle (Flinders), Ann
Tyler, (Reverend) William
De Caen, Charles Mathieu Isadore
Hippins family

Ile de France (Mauritius)
The Nore


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Other documents received by Flinders, Matthew

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