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Loose pages from Flinders' private letterbook (5 of 6). To Sir Joseph Banks 1801; to Flinders' father 1801; to his wife 1801. (FLI04)
Page 2
yet this is not done. We are completely ready for sea. Our men
of science, our stock of live cattle, every thing on board; and 12
hours after receiving orders should probably be out of sight
of Spithead.
I wish, my dear father, to say a little upon a former letter
of yours, dated May 11. in which you seem to think that
my conduct has not been altogether that of a dutiful or
at least of an affectionate son. That you should think so,
occasioned much uneasineƒs both to me and to my dear wife,
for I find her so much superior in penetration and judgment [sic] to
the generality of women, that there are but few occurrences
upon which I do not consult her. Your succeeding letter
was an affectionate, ^and indeed acceptable ^indeed one; and for
which, my dear father, I give you my warmest thanks. It
took away much uneasineƒs, but it served also to confirm me
in a melancholy truth, that my fathers increase of years,
^ and decline of constitution withdrew from him part of that equality of temper and mild-
neƒs of disposition for which he was so justly noted. That
letter was indeed the second I had received lately, which shewed
more instability than I ever thought my father poƒseƒsed of
Sorry am I, that ^ you should allow fatigue of busineƒs, to add to it. producing decline in
constitution should have such an effect upon good and sensible
men; but more sorry that such a decline should have ta-
-ken place. Why, my dear father, continue to fatigue yourself
to the injury of your health and disposition? Your family have ^ no
right to expect it; and I think I am sure that they are very
far from wishing it. If your income is not sufficient
to live upon, why not pursue the plan mentioned in your
letter, of purchasing an annuity? Most sincerely do I wish
you would, since it appears neceƒsary to your happineƒs
I sometimes think, my dear father, that the privilege
I have aƒsumed of explaining myself sentiments freely to you,
as one man to another, has displeased you; and that you
still expect my stile [sic] of addreƒsing you should never be any
other than that of humble duty. Now I would not only be
your son, but I would be your dearest friend, would you admit ^ me to
that station. Having arrived at years of discretion, and I trust
not wanting common sense, I put in my claim to ^ that freedom
of thought and of action which society allows to its individuals
Think not, my dearest father, I that I am preparing to declare off
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Related people
Nepean, Evan
Banks, Sir Joseph
Flinders, Matthew
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