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Letter from (Sir) John Franklin to Ann Flinders (2 of 5) (FLI27)
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Mrs Flinders
14 London Street
Fitzroy Square
HMS Bedford Plymouth Sound
My dear Mrs Flinders
August 27th 1814
I cannot describe my sensations, nor my anxiety,
nor even the apprehensions I have laboured under on your
account, since the melancholy information of the truly
irreparable loƒs you have sustained, has reached me:–
I have almost daily formed a resolution of offering that condolence
and sympathy on the awful Event which I most sincerely feel
but as often have waved it; fearing that the sympathy even
of the nearest Friend must in the moment of affliction be
intrusive. – I trust on this my dear Madam though severe
and dreadful must have been the shock, and great your Trial;
True Piety, and a due sense of the Allwise Dispensation of the
Almighty, has brought you that alleviation and consolation
which they only can give to the afflicted. To a mind so
sensibly alive to the tenderest feelings as yours, and so impreƒsed
with such a just sense of religion. I cannot offer any alleviation
which it does not poƒseƒs. I can only be permitted to unite
with you in the consoling hope that he is removed from a
world of pain & trouble – to the mansions of rest & bliƒs – Such
aƒsuredly should be our comfort – such I trust is yours. –
Though dreadfully great has been your loƒs – mine is truly severe;
I entertained for him the highest Friendship & Esteem; no person
was nearer my heart. – I venture to hope from the perusal
of your letter to
Wiles, that your state of mind is more easy – indeed I
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Related people
Chappelle (Flinders), Ann
Wiles, James
Brown, Robert
Melville, Henry Dundas, First Viscount (Lord Melville)
Tyler, (Reverend) William
Tyler, Isabella (Belle/Bell)
Franklin, John
Words and phrases
Linnaen Society
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