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Letter from French Minister of Navy (2 of 3) (Rough translation) (FLI03) Page 1

By your letter dated the 5th of last month, you repeat your request that you have previously made of the return to Captain Flinders of his ship and the last volume of his journal.
From 11 May 1806 His Imperial Majesty had ordered the freedom of Captain Flinders and his crew, and the return of his ship. I gave directions to this effect to General De Caen. These orders were dispatched to the Isle de France for their successful execution relative to Captain Flinders and his crew to put them at liberty.
These orders were sent to be expedited but it is presumed that he did not see them in which circumstances the books/accounts were not returned either.
The ships of Captain Flinders have been at the Ile de France since the capitulation of this Colony; to have them returned lies within the power of the English Government.
Regarding the journal of this Navigator, a request from the Prefect of the Ile de France to Captain General De Caen, of the army, has been made. There has been no response and I will make sure that an answer is forthcoming immediately.
Please be assured Gentlemen of the highest consideration in this.

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Related people
Flinders, Matthew
Bonaparte (Buonaparte), Napoléon.
De Caen, Charles Mathieu Isadore
Riviere, Viscount de

Ile de France (Mauritius)

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