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The Flinders papersletters and documents about the explorer Matthew Flinders (1774-1814)
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Loose pages from Flinders' private letterbook (2 of 6). Flinders to Ann Chappelle, Isabella Tyler and Mary Franklin. (FLI04) Page 2

I have left where every Neceƒsary, every Comfort & Luxury are plen-
-tiful, I thank that God who formd [sic] them both for placing me and
those who are dear to me in that highly favourd [sic] Isle, coud [sic] every
Person in it but be sensible of his happy Situation, all woud [sic] be
joy and gladneƒs, but man and I believe more especially English
-men where not born to be happy, however the Comparison will tend
to make one Subject so, for never will there be a more happy Soul
than I when we return, oh may the Almighty spare me all those dear
Friends, without whom my Joy would be turnd [sic] to Sorrow and
Mourning, but according to my own Maxim, the perspective is
to be turnd [sic] towards the fair side of the Prospect, which I hope will
always be the Case when you write to me, pray sit down in a good
humour, I should like much to have one when something had so
far pleasd [sic] you as to be able to laugh half an hour together, the
Sympathy woud [sic] certainly catch me at New Holland and I should
certainly laugh as hearty on the reading as you poƒsibly coud [sic] on
the writing, however whether laughing or not dont [sic] neglect to give
me a Sheet by a Ship which will sail in a short time for the Settle
-ment, she was fitting out when we left England, most probably
Mr Nelson knows of her – our next Paƒsage is to Rio de Janeiro on
the Coast of Brasil and from thence to the Colony at Sidney [sic] Cove
New South Wales – what a charming Climate are we now in, while
you in England with your double fortified great Coats can scarcely
keep out the cold, we with the slightest covering are almost too
warm, yet this strange Variation of Climate with a fair Wind may
be effected in a Week, such a Variety does Nature give to Man
with a little Aƒsiduity – As I have no particular News or Infor-
-mation I shall not trouble my friend Thomas with a Letter
till we arrive at Rio, therefore to him make my kindest Re-
-membrance and Affection – I hope Betsey is perfectly recovered –
my best love attends her, – when you write pray inform my Aunty

[ends here]

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Related people
Chappelle (Flinders), Ann
Franklin, Thomas
Tyler, Isabella (Belle/Bell)
Flinders, Samuel
Franklin, Elizabeth
Franklin, Mary

Sydney Cove

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