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Letter from Matthew Flinders to Ann Flinders (22 of 41) (FLI25) Page 1

Mrs Flinders
      Partney near Spilsby

Decr 25th           No 28

                            Wilhems Plains in the Isle of France
                                                    July 4. 1806

    Since my last ^ long letter of April 4. and 15., and my short one of April 27. last,
I have received, my best love, thy letters dated May 20. 1805, the duplicate of
which, with a letter from Spalding I had received so far back as Oct. 22. 1805,
a day I shall never forget: for to receive letters from thee, in this place, after so
long a night of ignorance and sorrow, was a gratification which exceeded what
I can expreƒs.
      No change has taken place with me, since I last wrote; except that
general De Caën has received a very strong letter from governor King at Port Jack-
, inclosing a copy of one I had written, which has much irritated the general,
and been the cause of his denying some temporary extensions of liberty to visit
two or three friendly families in another part of the island: the knowledge, however,
that governor King so warmly espouses my cause, more than counterbalances these
little privations. By this time, I expect the governor will be arrived in England,
and if thou shouldst be at any time in London, thou wilt find in Mrs King a
very amiable woman, and one who will receive thee with much kindneƒs. I beg
of thee to make them a visit, and to consider them as amongst my best and most
intimate friends, and from whom I have received much kindneƒs: Make little
Elizabeth also some pretty present. By this same occasion I write to governor
King, whom I consider as one interested to procure my liberation, and who
does not want the inclination to attempt it: I think he will be able to give thee
much information; thou mayest even write to him or Mrs King, at this agents Mr
Sykes, Arundel St Strand London.
      I have spoken to thee of coming out here, in case nothing should be
done in France towards my inlargement [sic] or call to Paris, and in case thou shouldst
find the occasion and conveniences I described; but, my love, the more I think
about it, the more the difficulties and dangers of the paƒsage, to one I so entirely
love, alarm me; and should circumstances turn out so fortunate as that thou
shouldst arrive safe, when I think of the probability that I may afterwards be sent
a prisoner to France, and that thou mightst either be denied to go in the same
veƒsel, or cooped up without the convenience or attendance in an unhealthy place,
perhaps in that state which most requires care, my anxious desire to have thee here
gives way to my fears: the expense of the voyage might also oblige me to another
absence from thee. No, my love, thou must not attempt it; it cannot be much
longer that I shall be kept from thee; either in consequence of a peace, or the exer-
-tions that have been lately made, and are now making in my favour, I must, I

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Related people
Chappelle (Flinders), Ann
De Caen, Charles Mathieu Isadore
King, Philip Gidley King
Banks, Sir Joseph
Pellew, (Admiral) Edward, Viscount Exmouth
Fleurieu, Charles Pierre Claret, Comte de
Bonaparte (Buonaparte), Napoléon.
Flinders, Henrietta
Flinders, Samuel
Flinders family
Franklin family
Aken (Aiken), John
Franklin, Thomas
Larkins, Thomas
Flinders, Matthew
Riviere, Viscount de

Ile de France (Mauritius)
Port Jackson

Warren Hastings
Piedmontaise (Piémontaise)

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