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The Flinders papersletters and documents about the explorer Matthew Flinders (1774-1814)
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Letter from Sir Joseph Banks to Ann Flinders (1 of 9) (FLI26) Page 1

Sir Joseph Banks

      Mrs Anne [sic] Flinders

Soho Square
June 4 1804


          I am as much at a loƒs as you
Can be relative to the manner in which Capt Flinders
Fell into the hands of the French, but from the Papers I
have seen I conjecture the following Series of
Events to have taken Place
        That Capt Flinders & his crew arrivd [sic]
Safe at Port Jackson in the investigator, from Timor
That the investigator was condemnd [sic] there as not being
fit for the Service of discovery
That Capt Flinders & his People embarkd [sic] on board the
Porpoise in order to Return home through the
Streights [sic] he had discoverd [sic] between New Holland &
New Guinea
That his First Lieut Mr Fowler was made Commander
of that ship, in order to pave the way to his future
The history of the Shipwreck is exactly as it is Stated

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Related people
Banks, Sir Joseph
Chappelle (Flinders), Ann
Flinders, Matthew
Fowler, Robert
Bonaparte (Buonaparte), Napoléon.

Port Jackson
Ile de France (Mauritius)


Words and phrases

Related Documents
Other documents written by Banks, Sir Joseph

Other documents received by Chappelle (Flinders), Ann

Other documents written in 1804