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The Flinders papersletters and documents about the explorer Matthew Flinders (1774-1814)
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Loose pages from Flinders' private letterbook (2 of 6). Flinders to Ann Chappelle, Isabella Tyler and Mary Franklin. (FLI04) Page 1

To Miƒs Chappelle, Mr Hendrys Marine Row Hull Feby 7th 1795
from the Supply in Plymouth Sound
To Mr Thos Franklin Feby 8th Supply in Plymouth Sound
To Miƒs E. Flinders Feby 9th Supply in Plymouth Sound
To Miƒses Chappelle and M. Franklin Spilsby Santa Cruz Road Teneriffe

March 10th 1795

My charming Sisters

Miƒs Chappelle, I sincerely thank you for your
kind Letter from Hull and hope you receivd [sic] mine in Return, but my dear
Mary, why did you so far neglect your Brother as not to write before
we left England, indeed it was not kindly done, but perhaps we saild [sic]
but a Day before it might arrive – however my loves pray write as of-
-ten as poƒsible, when you feel in a writing mode, sit down and di-
-rect as many Sheets of Paper to me as your Pen can run over, if it
cannot be sent that Month never mind, it may the next, the greater
the Interval ere it comes, the greater Quantity I hope to receive and
the greater will be my Happineƒs in receiving it, by every Ship which
shall touch at the Settlement and whose Course is bent towards that
fair Isle where all my Happineƒs centers, shall a memento of my
being and Situation be transmitted to my lovely Sisters – we have
been here about four Days after rather a long and boisterous Paƒ-
-sage tho no Accident fortunately happend [sic] – my little Samuel on
board the Reliance stood the Gales of Wind exceedingly well, he is in high
Spirits and has lost no Part of that enterprising Spirit which brought
him on board with me, I hope he'll make a good Sailor, a good of-
-ficer and a good Man, which last is the Groundwork of the other two
and the Foundation of all Happineƒs – when I compare this barren
and desolate lump of Rocks which produces nothing but fruit in the
slender stoney Vallies between the Mountains with that fruitful Coun-

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Related people
Chappelle (Flinders), Ann
Franklin, Thomas
Tyler, Isabella (Belle/Bell)
Flinders, Samuel
Franklin, Elizabeth
Franklin, Mary

Sydney Cove

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